open access publication

Article, 2023

Using registry data to identify individual dairy cows with abnormal patterns in routinely recorded somatic cell counts

Journal of Theoretical Biology, ISSN 0022-5193, 1095-8541, Volume 579, Page 111718, 10.1016/j.jtbi.2023.111718


Henningsen, Maj Beldring 0000-0002-4518-1592 (Corresponding author) [1] Reimert, Mossa Merhi [1] Denwood, Matt J 0000-0001-5212-4273 [1] Gussmann, Maya Katrin [1] Kirkeby, Carsten Thure 0000-0001-9292-5526 [1] Nielsen, Søren Saxmose 0000-0003-2417-0787 [1]


  1. [1] University of Copenhagen
  2. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Data from the Danish milk recording system routinely enter the Danish Cattle Database, including somatic cell counts (SCC) for individual animals. Elevated SCC can signal intramammary inflammation, suggesting subclinical mastitis. Detecting mastitis is pivotal to limit severity, prevent pathogen spread, and target treatment or culling. This study aimed to differentiate normal and abnormal SCC patterns using recorded registry data. We used registry data from 2010 to 2020 for dairy cows in herds with 11 annual milk recordings. To create consistency across herds, we used data from 13,996 unique animals and eight different herds, selected based on the amount of data available, only selecting Holstein animals and conventional herds. We fitted log10-transformed SCC to days in milk (DIM) using the Wilmink and Wood's curve functions, originally developed for milk yield over the lactation. We used Nonlinear Least Square and Nonlinear Mixed Effect models to fit the log10-transformed SCC observations to DIM at animal level. Using mean squared residuals (MSR), we found a consistently better fit using a Wood's style function. Detection of MSR outliers in the model fitting process was used to identify animals with log10(SCC) curves deviating from the expected "normal" curve for that same animal. With this study, we propose a method to identify single animals with SCC patterns that indicate abnormalities, such as mastitis, based on registry data. This method could potentially lead to a registry data-based detection of mastitis cases in larger dairy herds.


Danish, Danish Cattle Database, Holstein animals, SCC patterns, Wilmink, abnormal patterns, abnormalities, amount, amount of data, animal level, animals, cases, cell count, consistency, conventional herds, count, cows, culling, curve function, curves, dairy cows, dairy herds, data, database, days, detect mastitis, detection, dim, effects model, elevated somatic cell count, fitness, fitting process, function, herds, individual animals, individual dairy cows, inflammation, intramammary inflammation, lactate, least squares, levels, mastitis, mastitis cases, mean squared residue, method, milk, milk recording, milk recording system, milk yield, mixed effects models, model, model fitting process, nonlinear least squares, nonlinear mixed effects model, nonlinearity, outliers, pathogen spread, patterns, prevent pathogen spread, process, recording system, records, registry, registry data, residues, severity, somatic cell count, spread, square, study, style function, subclinical mastitis, system, target, targeted treatment, treatment, unique animals, wood, yield

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