Article, 2024

Thermal structure of two deep boreholes in the Siljan Ring, Central Sweden, and palaeoclimatic implications

Tectonophysics, ISSN 1879-3266, 0040-1951, Volume 872, Page 230149, 10.1016/j.tecto.2023.230149


Balling, Niels [1]


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Heat-flow data from deep boreholes are of particular value as a number of factors, including climatic surface temperature variations, may disturb subsurface thermal conditions, especially at shallow depths. This study provides thermal results from two boreholes, Gravberg-1 and Stenberg-1, drilled to large depths in the Siljan Ring impact structure, Baltic Shield, Central Sweden. Taking several high-resolution temperature logs to a depth of more than 5000 m in Gravberg-1 and close to 2000 m in Stenberg-1, and up to a long time after drilling, ensures high-quality deep temperature data. A good-quality thermal conductivity profile was determined from mineralogical composition and radiogenic heat production from a spectral gamma-ray log. The observations show overall thermal conductive profiles with local non-conductive temperature variations. Observed present-day near-surface heat flow (depth range 200–500 m) in Gravberg-1 is 47 mW/m2 (std. dev. 1.5 mW/m2). From observed deep background heat flow, considering heat production, the equivalent steady-state, unperturbed heat flow is estimated at 66–68 mW/m2. Data from Stenberg-1 provide similar results. The observed reduction of heat flow at near-surface level by about 20 mW/m2 is interpreted as originating from long-term palaeoclimatic temperature variations. During the last glacial period, the area was, to varying degree, both ice-free and covered by the Fennoscandian ice sheet. Thermal modelling, with a ground-surface mean-temperature increase by 12±2 °C from glacial to post-glacial time, shows consistency between observed and modelled heat flow perturbations for the full depth range of observations. Heat flow perturbations may be significant to depths of about 2000 m. These results show that, uncorrected for palaeoclimate, depending on depths of measurements, observed continental heat flow values might be markedly underestimated. This applies to Northern Europe and, likely, to many other areas as well.


Baltic, Baltic Shield, Central, Europe, Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, Gravberg-1, Northern, Siljan, Siljan Ring, Sweden, area, background heat flow, borehole, central Sweden, composition, conditions, conductivity profile, consistency, data, deep boreholes, degree, depth, depth of measurement, drilling, factors, flow, flow perturbations, flow values, gamma-ray logs, glacial, glacial period, heat, heat flow, heat flow data, heat flow perturbations, heat flow values, heat production, high-resolution temperature, ice sheet, ice-free, implications, increase, levels, log, long time, mean temperature increase, measurements, mineralogical composition, model, near-surface heat flow, near-surface levels, northern Europe, observations, palaeoclimate, palaeoclimatic implications, period, perturbation, post-glacial times, production, profile, radiogenic heat production, reduction, reduction of heat flow, results, ring, shallow depths, sheet, shielding, spectral gamma-ray logs, steady-state, structure, study, subsurface thermal conditions, surface temperature variations, temperature, temperature data, temperature variation, thermal conditions, thermal conductivity profile, thermal model, thermal results, thermal structure, time, values, variation


  • Geological Survey of Sweden
  • Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
  • Carlsberg Foundation

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