Article, 2024

A hybrid-aided approach with adaptive state update for estimating the state-of-charge of LiFePO4 batteries considering temperature uncertainties

Journal of Energy Storage, ISSN 2352-152X, 2352-1538, Volume 76, Page 109758, 10.1016/j.est.2023.109758


Peng, Jiawei [1] Takyi-Aninakwa, Paul 0000-0001-8210-6340 (Corresponding author) [1] [2] Wang, Shunli 0000-0003-0485-8082 [1] [2] Masahudu, Faisal [1] Yang, Xiaoyong [1] Guerrero, Josep M 0000-0001-5236-4592 [3]


  1. [1] Southwest University of Science and Technology
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Inner Mongolia University of Technology
  4. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  5. [3] Aalborg University
  6. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Developing an accurate state of charge (SOC) estimation method is crucial for proper monitoring and management of electric vehicles (EVs). As deep learning methods advance, it is critical to design a network structure for SOC estimation that is accurate, flexible, and adaptable to different driving conditions. However, these methods are hindered by high computational costs and trial-and-error training approaches, which compromise their performance. Therefore, this paper proposes a variational epoch selector for a multi-layered long short-term memory (LSTM) network with an adaptive weighted extended Kalman filter (AWEKF) for SOC estimation of lithium-ion batteries. First, a random weight (RW) algorithm is proposed to variably select the required number of training epochs suitable to train the LSTM network for SOC estimation using three domain knowledge, which improves stability, accuracy, robustness against uncertainties, etc., with a significant reduction in model computational training costs and errors. Second, the AWEKF with feedback correction ability is proposed to optimize the estimations of the network to map the nonlinear characteristics and minimize the output SOC fluctuations and errors. The estimations critically investigate the various key factors for the proposed RWLSTM strategy at different temperatures under real-world simulated driving cycles using a lithium iron phosphate battery. Finally, the results show that the mean absolute error and root mean square error of the proposed RWLSTM and RWLSTM-AWEKF strategies are <0.6% and 0.2%, respectively, under various driving conditions, showing their efficiency in estimating the SOC by utilizing battery domain knowledge for BMS applications.


BMS, BMS applications, Kalman, Kalman filter, LSTM, LSTM network, LiFePO4 batteries, SOC estimation, SOC estimation of lithium-ion batteries, SoC, ability, accuracy, accurate state, applications, approach, battery, characteristics, computational cost, computational training cost, conditions, correction, correction ability, cost, cycle, deep learning methods, domain, domain knowledge, driving, driving conditions, driving cycle, efficiency, electric vehicles, epoch, error, estimation, estimation method, estimation of lithium-ion batteries, factors, filter, fluctuations, improved stability, knowledge, learning methods, lithium, lithium iron phosphate battery, lithium-ion batteries, management, management of electric vehicles, memory, method, model, monitoring, network, network structure, nonlinear characteristics, output, performance, random weights, reduction, results, robustness, root, root mean square error, selector, short-term memory, simulated driving cycles, square error, stability, state, state of charge, state update, strategies, structure, temperature, temperature uncertainty, training, training approach, training costs, training epochs, uncertainty, update, vehicle, weight


  • National Natural Science Foundation of China

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