open access publication

Article, 2024

Sunshine-to-fuel: Demonstration of coupled photovoltaic-driven biomethanation operation, process, and techno-economical evaluation

Energy Conversion and Management, ISSN 1879-2227, 0196-8904, Volume 299, Page 117767, 10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117767


Sieborg, Mads Ujarak 0000-0001-7938-2029 [1] Engelbrecht, Nicolaas 0000-0001-8437-7427 [1] Ottosen, Lars Ditlev Mørck 0000-0002-6943-745X [1] Kofoed, Michael Vedel Wegener 0000-0002-0235-3569 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The accelerating green transition envisions large shares of renewable intermittent power supplies, which challenges the balancing of the grid. A promising approach to long-term storage is the power-to-X technology of biomethanation. This study developed an operating model for ex situ biomethanation in a trickle bed reactor (TBR) based on daily photovoltaic (PV) solar generation profiles from the California Flats solar cell park and demonstrated long-term discontinuous biomethanation of raw biogas. The TBR was operated discontinuously for 29 days, where biomethane admissible for natural gas grid injection could be achieved within a ramp-up time of < 16 min after an adaptation period of 6 days with a purity of < 2 % hydrogen and > 97.5 % biomethane. The shutdown periods demonstrated a continuous digestion of accumulated acids and biomass. Therefore, shutting off the hydrogen addition could synergistically be employed as a clean-in-place procedure, where ∼60 % of the accumulated volatile fatty acids were converted during 12 h of standby. The TBR performance was subsequently used to evaluate the economic feasibility of integrating biomethanation to convert and store solar PV energy. The levelized cost of production of grid-quality biomethane by a small commercial biomethanation system, subject to solar PV energy (28 MWhe d−1), was found to be 147.84 $ (MWhCH4 HHV)−1 in a 2030 scenario.


California, PV, PV energy, Park, Power-to-X technologies, TBR, acid, adaptation, adaptation period, addition, balance, bed, bed reactor, biogas, biomass, biomethane, biomethane system, clean-in-place procedures, continuous digester, days, demonstration, digestion, economic feasibility, energy, evaluation, ex-situ biomethanation, fatty acids, feasibility, gas grid injection, generation profiles, green transition, grid, grid injection, hydrogen, hydrogen addition, injection, intermittent power supply, levelized cost, long-term storage, model, operation, operational model, performance, period, power supply, procedure, process, profile, purity, raw biogas, reactor, scenarios, shutdown, shutdown period, solar PV energy, solar generation profiles, standby, storage, study, supply, system, techno-economic evaluation, transition, volatile fatty acids

Data Provider: Digital Science