open access publication

Article, 2023

Harnessing machine mechanisms to continuously reprogram metamaterials

Matter, ISSN 2590-2393, 2590-2385, Volume 6, 11, Pages 3719-3731, 10.1016/j.matt.2023.08.020


Mirkhalaf, Mohammad 0000-0002-0917-8978 (Corresponding author) [1] Rafsanjani, Ahmad 0000-0003-4950-2303 (Corresponding author) [2]


  1. [1] Queensland University of Technology
  2. [NORA names: Australia; Oceania; OECD];
  3. [2] University of Southern Denmark
  4. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Mechanical metamaterials have yielded properties not accessible to their monolithic counterparts, but these properties are often fixed post fabrication. Tunable properties are desired in many applications, including robotics, aerospace, and healthcare. Machine metamaterials employ elements and mechanisms of machine design to implement a diverse range of internal motions in metamaterials to drastically and continuously alter their architectures and, consequently, properties in situ. The adaptations are quick and reversible over numerous cycles, consume little energy, and induce minimal mechanical stress and strain. Machine metamaterials can be made from various materials, including ceramics and glasses, promising transparent reprogrammable materials for extreme environments. Here, we showcase the emergence of this relatively simple but potent concept in the recent literature. We then use hypothetical metamaterial examples to illustrate their promising future to reprogram properties, bridge the gap across different length scales, facilitate modular assembly, and implement sensing, actuation, computation, and reprogrammable inhomogeneities.


actuator, adaptation, aerospace, applications, architecture, assembly, ceramics, computer, concept, counterparts, cycle, design, diverse range, elements, emergency, energy, environment, examples, fabrication, gap, glass, healthcare, implement sensing, inhomogeneity, internal motions, length, length scales, literature, machine, machine design, machining mechanism, materials, mechanical metamaterials, mechanical stress, mechanism, metamaterials, minimal mechanical stress, modular assembly, monolithic counterparts, motion, post, post fabrication, properties, properties in situ, range, robot, scale, sensing, strain, stress, tunable properties


  • Australian Research Council

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