open access publication

Article, 2024

Droplet characterization of a pressure-swirl atomizer by means of high-fidelity modelling based on DNS simulations

Fuel, ISSN 0016-2361, 1873-7153, Volume 358, Page 130169, 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.130169


Salvador, Francisco Javier 0000-0003-3269-2251 (Corresponding author) [1] Martí-Aldaraví, Pedro 0000-0003-4650-4004 [1] Lozano, A 0009-0007-7713-6343 [1] Taghavifar, Hadi 0000-0002-8793-7140 [2] Nemati, Arash 0000-0002-5385-4427 [3]


  1. [1] Universitat Politècnica de València
  2. [NORA names: Spain; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  4. [NORA names: Norway; Europe, Non-EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Technical University of Denmark
  6. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Liquid injection optimization is key to enhance the efficiency of many processes in a wide variety of fields. Combustion processes are one of the most challenging ones, due to the direct emissions and greenhouse gases implications. This work aims at studying the external two-phase flow produced when injecting fuel with a pressure-swirl atomizer in an operating condition typical of an academic burner. The main objective is to have a better comprehension of the atomization process in this type of nozzles, getting information on the droplets’ characteristic size and how they are produced and arranged. For that regard, a high-fidelity Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is used to analyse the very near field of the spray produced, where primary atomization takes place. Pre-processing tasks are explained in terms of geometry comprehension, computational domain and mesh selection, boundary conditions and main simulation setup parameters. Then, through post-processing tasks, both quantitative and qualitative results are extracted, which will serve to validate the modelling against previous works and to provide novel data about the atomization process in pressure-swirl atomizers. Results show that smaller droplets predominate over bigger ones as expected, since just the first millimetres of the spray are modelled. However, there is a clear trend of droplet’s size growing when increasing both axial and radial distances, indicating coalescence in regions relatively far from the nozzle. The achieved results, together with results from simulating the injection event with other fuels or at other operating conditions, can be used to develop a phenomenological model able to predict how atomization is going to be as a function of the non-dimensional Reynolds and Weber numbers that could be implemented in lower-resolution RANS and LES codes for modelling atomization. This investigation proves that it is possible to faithfully predict the near field of these sprays through DNS simulation, getting similar trends to those of the experimental data, and that the study through numerical models is necessary in the investigation process. The information they can bring, together with the experimental knowledge, can make a good synergy that will eventually lead to a better understanding of this type of atomizers.


DNS simulations, LES, LES code, RAN, Reynolds, Weber, Weber number, atomization process, atoms, boundary conditions, burner, characteristic size, characterization, coalescence, code, combustion, combustion process, comprehension, computational domain, conditions, data, direct numerical simulations, distance, domain, droplet characterization, droplet size, droplets, efficiency, emission, events, experimental data, experimental knowledge, field, flow, fuel, function, geometry, greenhouse, greenhouse gas implications, high-fidelity direct numerical simulations, high-fidelity model, implications, information, injected fuel, injection, injection events, injection optimization, investigation, investigation process, knowledge, mesh, mesh selection, model, model atom, near field, novel data, nozzle, number, numerical model, numerical simulations, objective, operating conditions, operation, optimization, parameters, phenomenological model, post-processing tasks, pre-processing task, pressure-swirl atomizer, primary atomization, process, qualitative results, radial distance, region, results, selection, setup parameters, simulation, size, small droplets, spray, study, synergy, task, trends, two-phase flow


  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

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