Article, 2023

Crystal Structure, Electronic Transport, and Improved Thermoelectric Properties of Doped InTe

ACS Applied Electronic Materials, ISSN 2637-6113, Volume 6, 5, Pages 2925-2934, 10.1021/acsaelm.3c01064


Song, Lirong [1] Zhang, Jiawei 0000-0003-0740-0851 (Corresponding author) [2] Mamakhel, Aref Hasen 0000-0001-6734-2556 [1] Iversen, Bo Brummerstedt 0000-0002-4632-1024 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Shanghai Institute of Ceramics
  4. [NORA names: China; Asia, East]


This paper focuses on the crystal structure, electronic transport, and improved thermoelectric properties of InTe by combining experimental and theoretical methods. P-type InTe doped with Bi, Ag, Mn, Sn, or Sb is experimentally studied, resulting in improved zT values. The enhanced thermoelectric performance is mainly induced by reduced thermal conductivity. The highest performance is achieved in In0.99Sn0.01Te, which exhibits an enhanced zT by a factor of approximately 1.6 compared with the pristine sample. The crystal structure is investigated in detail by using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. The electronic structure of InTe is calculated using the TB-mBJ method within density functional theory, and a band gap of 0.16 eV is obtained. Based on the electronic structures, Boltzmann transport theory is applied to calculate the electrical transport properties, and their excellent agreement with the experimental data verifies the effectiveness of the rigid band approximation. Importantly, electrical transport properties are predicted to be favorable as the n-type, which is attributed to a high valley degeneracy of the conduction band minimum. We anticipate an improved power factor and zT in n-type InTe if it can be n-doped. This work provides systematic insight into the crystal structure and electronic transport of InTe, which is important for the further optimization of InTe thermoelectrics.


Ag, Bi, Boltzmann transport theory, INT, Mn, N-doping, Sb, Sn, TB-mBJ, TB-mBJ method, X-ray diffraction, ZT, ZT value, agreement, approximation, band approximation, band minimum, conduction band minimum, conductivity, crystal, crystal structure, data, degeneracy, density, density functional theory, diffraction, effect, electrical transport properties, electron, electron transport, electronic structure, enhanced ZT, enhanced thermoelectric performance, excellent agreement, experimental data, factors, functional theory, high performance, improved ZT value, improved thermoelectric properties, insights, method, minimum, n-type, optimization, performance, powder X-ray diffraction, power, power factor, pristine sample, properties, reduced thermal conductivity, rigid band approximation, samples, structure, synchrotron, synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction, systematic insight, theoretical methods, theory, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric performance, thermoelectric properties, thermoelectrics, transport, transport properties, transport theory, valley, valley degeneracy, values


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