open access publication

Article, 2024

Rotational Crofton formulae with a fixed subspace

Advances in Applied Mathematics, ISSN 0196-8858, 1090-2074, Volume 153, Page 102611, 10.1016/j.aam.2023.102611


Dare, Emil (Corresponding author) [1] Kiderlen, Markus [1]


  1. [1] Department of Mathematics, Ny Munkegade 118, 8000, Aarhus C, Denmark
  2. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The classical Crofton formula explains how intrinsic volumes of a convex body K in n-dimensional Euclidean space can be obtained from integrating a measurement function at sections of K with invariantly moved affine flats. Motivated by stereological applications, we present variants of Crofton's formula, where the flats are constrained to contain a fixed linear subspace L 0 , but are otherwise invariantly rotated. This main result generalizes a known rotational Crofton formula, which only covers the case dim ⁡ L 0 = 0 . The proof combines a suitable Blaschke–Petkantschin formula with the classical Crofton formula. We also argue that our main result is best possible, in the sense that one cannot estimate intrinsic volumes of a set, based on lower-dimensional sections, other than those given by our result. Finally, we provide a proof for a well-established variant: an integral relation for vertical sections. Our formula is stated for intrinsic volumes of a given set, complementing the classical approach for Hausdorff measures.


Blaschke–Petkantschin formula, Crofton, Crofton formula, Euclidean space, Hausdorff, Hausdorff measure, affine flat, affinity, applications, body K, cases, convex body K, fixed subspace, flatness, formula, function, integral relations, intrinsic volumes, lower-dimensional sections, measurement function, measurements, n-dimensional Euclidean space, relations, results, rotation, section, sections of K, space, stereological applications, subspace, variants, vertical sections, volume


  • Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education

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