Article, 2023

Food-grade hexosomes as efficient vehicles for delivery of fish-purified antioxidant peptide

Food Chemistry, ISSN 0266-349X, 1873-7072, 0308-8146, Volume 434, Page 137446, 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137446


Ramezanzade, Leila [1] Hosseini, Seyed Fakhreddin 0000-0003-0565-4276 (Corresponding author) [1] Sajedi, Reza Hassan 0000-0001-6774-0837 [1] Mirzai Nielsen, Amy [2] Yaghmur, Anan 0000-0003-1608-773X [2]


  1. [1] Tarbiat Modares University
  2. [NORA names: Iran; Asia, Middle East];
  3. [2] University of Copenhagen
  4. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Herein, we describe the potential use of food-grade hexosomes (HEXs) for delivering fish-purified antioxidant peptide (PF10). Using a binary lipid mixture of Dimodan U/citrem, the nanocarriers were produced with a size range of 202.7-569.8 nm and peptide encapsulation efficiency of 64.6-89.3%. These HEXs were also characterized by SAXS and cryo-TEM, and were able to sustain the release of PF10, where only 32.2% released in PBS after 24 h. SAXS findings verified that PF10 modulate the internal structure of HEXs in a pH-dependent manner. Antioxidant assays proved the efficacy of such nano-self-assemblies in maintaining the bioactivity of the loaded peptide. Moreover, the in vitro gastrointestinal stability test indicated that the antioxidant capacity of the free- and PF10-loaded HEXs decreased under SGF/SIF conditions with the reduction in activity being greater for the free PF10. The present findings may provide a useful basis for development of pH-responsive nano-self-assemblies for delivery of antioxidant peptides.


PBS, PF10, SAXS, SGF/SIF, activity, antioxidant assays, antioxidant capacity, antioxidant peptides, assay, binary lipid mixtures, bioactivity, capacity, conditions, cryo-TEM, delivery, development, efficacy, efficiency, efficient vehicles, encapsulation efficiency, findings, hexosomes, internal structure, load peptides, manner, nano-self-assemblies, nanocarriers, pH-dependent manner, peptide, peptide encapsulation efficiency, potential use, range, reduction, release, size, size range, stability test, test, use, vehicle


  • Iran National Science Foundation

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