open access publication

Article, 2023

A 1300-year microfaunal record from the Beaufort Sea shelf indicates exceptional climate-related environmental changes over the last two centuries

Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, ISSN 0031-0182, 1872-616X, Volume 625, Page 111670, 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111670


Falardeau, Jade 0000-0002-4773-6731 (Corresponding author) [1] De Vernal, Anne A 0000-0001-5656-724X [1] Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig L S 0000-0002-1973-5969 [2] Fritz, Michael 0000-0003-4591-7325 [3] Cronin, Thomas M [4] Gemery, Laura 0000-0003-1966-8732 [4] Rochon, André A [1] [5] Carnero-Bravo, Vladislav 0000-0002-0237-2786 [1] [6] Hillaire-Marcel, Claude C 0000-0002-3733-4632 [1] Pearce, Christof 0000-0002-4866-3204 [2] Archambault, Philippe P 0000-0001-5986-6149 [7]


  1. [1] University of Quebec in Montreal
  2. [NORA names: Canada; America, North; OECD];
  3. [2] Aarhus University
  4. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
  6. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];
  7. [4] United States Geological Survey
  8. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  9. [5] Université du Québec à Rimouski
  10. [NORA names: Canada; America, North; OECD];


The environments of Arctic Ocean nearshore areas experience high intra- and inter-annual variability, making it difficult to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic warming. However, a sediment record from the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea allowed us to reconstruct the impacts of climate and environmental changes over the last 1300 years along the northern Yukon coast, Canada. The coring site (PG2303; 69.513°N, 138.895°W; water depth 32 m) is located in the Herschel Basin, where high sedimentation rates (0.1–0.5 cm a−1) allowed analyses at sub-centennial to decadal resolutions. Benthic foraminiferal, ostracod, and tintinnid assemblages, as well as the stable isotope composition of the foraminifera Elphidium clavatum and Cassidulina reniforme were used as paleoclimatic and ecological indicators, while the age model was based on the combined radiometric data of 14C, 210Pb and 137Cs. From ca 700 to 1050 CE, our data suggest penetration of offshore shelf-break waters inferred by the dominance of C. reniforme followed by the relatively abundant Triloculina trihedra in the foraminiferal assemblages as both species are associated with stable saline conditions. Afterwards, the occurrence of ostracods Kotoracythere arctoborealis and Normanicythere leioderma suggests influx of Pacific-sourced waters until ca. 1150 CE. From ∼1150–1650 CE, persistent frigid waters, limited sediment supply, and low abundances of microfossils suggest cold conditions with pervasive annual sea-ice cover that may have restricted upwelling of oceanic waters. After ∼1800 CE, the co-occurrence of Tintinnopsis fimbriata and bacterial/complex organic carbon feeder foraminifera (Quinqueloculina stalkeri, Textularia earlandi and Stetsonia horvathi), suggest an increased influence of freshwater rich in particulate organic matter, which may be related to the spreading of the Mackenzie River plume and/or increased coastal permafrost erosion during longer ice-free seasons. Based on these proxy data, the shift at ∼1800 CE marks the onset of regional warming, which further intensified after ∼1955 CE, likely in response to the anthropogenic forcing.


Beaufort, Beaufort Sea, Beaufort Sea shelf, CE, Canada, Canadian Beaufort Sea, Cassidulina, Cassidulina reniforme, Elphidium clavatum, Herschel, Mackenzie, Mackenzie River plume, Sea shelf, Yukon coast, abundance of microfossils, age, age model, analysis, annual sea-ice cover, anthropogenic forcing, anthropogenic warming, area, assemblages, basin, changes, climate, climate-related environmental changes, co-occurrence, coast, cold conditions, composition, conditions, core, core site, cover, data, decadal resolution, dominance, ecological indicators, environment, environmental changes, erosion, foraminifera, foraminiferal assemblages, force, freshwater, frigid waters, ice-free season, impact, impact of climate, impacts of anthropogenic warming, increasing influence, indicators, influence of freshwater, influx, inter-annual variability, intra-, isotopic composition, limited sediment supply, low abundance, matter, microfossils, model, nearshore areas, occurrence, ocean water, organic matter, ostracods, particulate organic matter, penetration, permafrost erosion, plume, radiometric data, rate, records, regional warming, reniform, resolution, response, river plume, saline conditions, sea, sea-ice cover, season, sediment record, sediment supply, sedimentation rate, sediments, shelf, shelf-break waters, shift, sites, southern Canadian Beaufort Sea, species, spread, stable isotope composition, stable salinity conditions, sub-centennial, supply, tintinnid assemblages, tintinnids, trihedron, variables, warming, water, years


  • Aurora Health Care
  • Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
  • United States Geological Survey
  • European Commission
  • Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías

Data Provider: Digital Science