open access publication

Article, 2023

Computational analysis of yield stress buildup and stability of deposited layers in material extrusion additive manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing, ISSN 2214-8604, 2214-7810, Volume 71, Page 103605, 10.1016/j.addma.2023.103605


Mollah, Tusher 0000-0001-8678-8908 (Corresponding author) [1] Comminal, Raphaël Benjamin 0000-0003-3764-5550 [1] [2] Serdeczny, Marcin Piotr 0000-0003-1691-773X [1] [2] Šeta, Berin 0000-0002-5989-1122 [1] Spangenberg, Jon 0000-0002-5411-6821 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Flow Science, Inc., 683 Harkle Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505, USA
  4. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD]


This paper investigates the stability of deformable layers produced by material extrusion additive manufacturing. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is developed to predict the deposition flow of viscoplastic materials such as ceramic pastes, thermosets, and concrete. The viscoplastic materials are modelled with the Bingham rheological equations and implemented with a generalized Newtonian fluid model. The developed CFD model applies a scalar approach to differentiate the rheology of two layers in order to capture the deposition of a wet layer onto a semi solidified printed layer (i.e., wet-on-semisolid printing). The semi solidification is modelled by a yield stress buildup. The cross-sectional shapes of the deposited layers are predicted, and the relative deformation of the first layer is studied for different yield stress buildups and processing conditions such as printing- and extrusion-speed, layer height, and nozzle diameter. The results of the CFD model illustrate that the relative deformation of the first layer decreases non-linearly with an increase in yield stress, and that stable prints can be obtained when taking into account the semi solidification. Furthermore, it is found that the deformation is dependent on a non-trivial interplay between the extrusion pressure, the shape of the cross-section, and the contact area between the layers. Finally, the results highlight which process conditions can be changed with benefit in order to limit the requirement on the yield stress buildup and still provide stable prints.


Bingham, Newtonian fluid model, additive manufacturing, approach, area, benefits, buildup, ceramic paste, computational analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics model, computer, conditions, contact, contact area, cross-section, cross-sectional shape, deformation, deformation layer, deposited layers, deposition, deposition flow, diameter, dynamics, equations, extrusion, extrusion additive manufacturing, extrusion pressure, flow of viscoplastic materials, fluid dynamics, fluid model, generalized Newtonian fluid model, height, increase, layer, layer height, manufacturing, material extrusion additive manufacturing, materials, model, non-linear, nozzle, nozzle diameter, paste, pressure, printing, process, processing conditions, requirements, results, rheological equation, rheology, scalar approach, shape, solidification, stability, stable printing, stress, stress buildup, thermosets, viscoplastic materials, wetting layer, yield, yield stress


  • Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
  • Innovation Fund Denmark

Data Provider: Digital Science