Article, 2023

Multifunctional tadpole-like bimetallic nanoparticles realizes synergistic sterilization with chemical kinetics and photothermal therapy

Applied Catalysis B Environmental, ISSN 1873-3883, 0926-3373, Volume 325, Page 122314, 10.1016/j.apcatb.2022.122314


Gao, Yumeng [1] Wang, Wentao (Corresponding author) [1] Mohammadniaei, Mohsen 0000-0002-4773-2888 [2] Zhang, Ming (Corresponding author) [1] Shen, Jian-Min 0000-0002-9504-8650 (Corresponding author) [1] Zhou, Ning-Lin [1]


  1. [1] Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Bacterial infection has become a global health issue. The misuse of antibiotics has been resulting in increased drug resistance and bioaccumulation. Therefore, developing a highly safe antibacterial agent, with high antibacterial performance is demanding. Inspired by the natural motors performing automated tasks in complicated living environments, we demonstrate tadpole-like nanoparticles (TNPs) with several functions, including high photothermal conversion efficiency, peroxidase-like catalytic activity, glutathione peroxidase-like activity, and catalase-like activity. TNPs produce hydroxyl radical (•OH) at an extremely low concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 0.006%, which can damage bacterial cell membranes, proteins, and DNA. Moreover, the glutathione peroxidase-like activity disrupts the anti-oxidative mechanism of bacteria and improves the permeability of the cell membranes, consequently enhancing the killing effect of ROS. In addition, TNPs possess tadpole-like asymmetry to overcome Brownian motion, demonstrating strong directional motion propelled by O2. The in vivo experiments indicate that TNPs could also shorten the inflammatory period and promote angiogenesis, making them a very promising antibacterial agent.


Brownian motion, DNA, O2, ROS, activity, agents, angiogenesis, anti-oxidant mechanisms, antibacterial agents, antibacterial performance, antibiotics, asymmetry, automation tasks, bacteria, bacterial cell membrane, bacterial infections, bimetallic nanoparticles, bioaccumulation, catalase-like activity, catalytic activity, cell membrane, cells, chemical kinetics, concentration of hydrogen peroxide, conversion efficiency, damage bacterial cell membranes, directional motion, drug resistance, effects of ROS, efficiency, environment, experiments, function, global health issue, glutathione, glutathione peroxidase-like activity, health issues, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl, hydroxyl radicals, in vivo experiments, increasing drug resistance, infection, inflammatory period, issues, killing, killing effect, kinetics, living environment, low concentrations, low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, mechanisms of bacteria, membrane, misuse, misuse of antibiotics, motion, motor, nanoparticles, natural motors, overcome Brownian motion, performance, period, permeability, peroxidase-like activity, peroxidase-like catalytic activity, peroxide, photothermal conversion efficiency, photothermal therapy, promote angiogenesis, protein, radicals, resistance, sterilization, synergistic sterilization, task, therapy


  • National Natural Science Foundation of China

Data Provider: Digital Science