open access publication

Article, 2022

Differentiated Treatment of Cultural Items in Lexicographical Products: A Necessary Adaptation to the Digital Environment

Lexikos, ISSN 2224-0039, 1684-4904, Volume 32, Pages 90-117, 10.5788/32-1-1706


Li, Qian [1] Tarp, Sven 0000-0003-1941-9082 [1] [2] [3]


  1. [1] Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Aarhus University
  4. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Stellenbosch University
  6. [NORA names: South Africa; Africa]


The paper focuses on the lexicographical treatment of cultural objects. It argues that second-language learning requires second-culture learning and that digital technologies call for new solutions to both old and new challenges. As an example, it takes traditional Chinese musical instruments and starts with a critical analysis of their treatment in five Chinese–English dictionar­ies for both foreign learners and native speakers. It continues with some reflections on media con­vergence and its consequences for lexicography and reaches the conclusion that the one-size-fits-all dictionary must be replaced with a variety of lexicographical products on different platforms. Lexi­cographers' focus must therefore move from the dictionary to the database that supports these products. This leads to a discussion of equivalent and explanation types and the need to prepare four different database fields for equivalents and two for explanations. To exemplify this, the paper presents a lexicographical database with equivalents, explanations, and other types of culturally relevant items. It then uses a few examples to show how these lexicographical items stored in the database can be selectively employed on different platforms and adapted to specific user needs. The paper links directly to sound files and video clips with some of the discussed instruments. Finally, the paper provides some conclusions and perspectives for further improving the cultural dimension of learners' lexicography. Keywords: media convergence, Chinese–English dictionaries, learners' dic­tionaries, e-readers, digital devices, lexicographical databases, equivalent types, explanation types, cultural items


Chinese musical instruments, Chinese-English dictionaries, Digital, adaptation, analysis, clips, conclusions, consequences, convergence, critical analysis, cultural dimensions, cultural items, cultural objects, culturally relevant items, culture, database, database field, dictionary, differential treatment, digital environment, digital technologies, discussion, environment, equivalence, explanation, explanation types, field, files, focus, foreign learners, instrument, items, learners, learning, lexicographers, lexicographic product, lexicographic treatment, lexicographical items, lexicography, media, media convergence, musical instruments, native speakers, necessaries, needs, objective, perspective, platform, production, reflection, relevant items, second-language learning, solution, sound, sound files, speakers, technology, traditional Chinese musical instruments, treatment, type, user needs, users, video, video clips

Data Provider: Digital Science