open access publication

Article, 2022

Unbound Brain-to-Plasma Partition Coefficient, Kp,uu,brain—a Game Changing Parameter for CNS Drug Discovery and Development

Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN 0724-8741, 1573-904X, Volume 39, 7, Pages 1321-1341, 10.1007/s11095-022-03246-6


Loryan, Irena 0000-0002-1557-4416 (Corresponding author) [1] Reichel, Andreas 0000-0003-4483-216X [2] Feng, Bo [3] Bundgaard, Christoffer 0009-0009-5222-4499 [4] Shaffer, Christopher L [5] Kalvass, Cory [6] Bednarczyk, Dallas 0000-0003-0735-2861 [7] Morrison, Denise [8] Lesuisse, Dominique 0000-0002-7752-6313 [9] Hoppe, Edmund [10] Terstappen, Georg C 0000-0003-3669-0421 [11] Fischer, Holger [12] Di, Li [13] Colclough, Nicola [14] Summerfield, Scott G [15] Buckley, Stephen Timothy [16] Maurer, Tristan S 0009-0007-2994-1954 [13] Fridén, Markus [1] [17]


  1. [1] Uppsala University
  2. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Bayer (Germany)
  4. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] Vertex Pharmaceuticals (United States)
  6. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  7. [4] Lundbeck (Denmark)
  8. [NORA names: Lundbeck; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  9. [5] Biogen (United States)
  10. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];


PurposeMore than 15 years have passed since the first description of the unbound brain-to-plasma partition coefficient (Kp,uu,brain) by Prof. Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes, which was enabled by advancements in experimental methodologies including cerebral microdialysis. Since then, growing knowledge and data continue to support the notion that the unbound (free) concentration of a drug at the site of action, such as the brain, is the driving force for pharmacological responses. Towards this end, Kp,uu,brain is the key parameter to obtain unbound brain concentrations from unbound plasma concentrations.MethodsTo understand the importance and impact of the Kp,uu,brain concept in contemporary drug discovery and development, a survey has been conducted amongst major pharmaceutical companies based in Europe and the USA. Here, we present the results from this survey which consisted of 47 questions addressing: 1) Background information of the companies, 2) Implementation, 3) Application areas, 4) Methodology, 5) Impact and 6) Future perspectives.Results and conclusionsFrom the responses, it is clear that the majority of the companies (93%) has established a common understanding across disciplines of the concept and utility of Kp,uu,brain as compared to other parameters related to brain exposure. Adoption of the Kp,uu,brain concept has been mainly driven by individual scientists advocating its application in the various companies rather than by a top-down approach. Remarkably, 79% of all responders describe the portfolio impact of Kp,uu,brain implementation in their companies as ‘game-changing’. Although most companies (74%) consider the current toolbox for Kp,uu,brain assessment and its validation satisfactory for drug discovery and early development, areas of improvement and future research to better understand human brain pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics translation have been identified.


CNS, CNS drug discovery, Europe, Kp, MethodsTo, PurposeMore, USA, action, adoption, application areas, applications, approach, area, areas of improvement, assessment, brain, brain assessment, brain concentrations, brain concept, brain exposure, brain implementation, brain-a, brain-to-plasma partition coefficient, cerebral microdialysis, coefficient, companies, concentration, concept, contemporary drug discovery, data, description, development, disciplines, discovery, driving, driving force, drug, drug discovery, early development, experimental methodology, exposure, force, game, impact, implementation, importance, improvement, individual scientists, information, knowledge, methodology, microdialysis, parameters, partition coefficients, perspective, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacological response, plasma, plasma concentrations, portfolio, portfolio impact, questions, research, respondents, response, results, scientists, site of action, sites, survey, toolbox, top-down approach, translation, validity, years

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