open access publication

Article, 2021

Physics-informed neural networks for one-dimensional sound field predictions with parameterized sources and impedance boundaries

JASA Express Letters, ISSN 2691-1191, Volume 1, 12, Page 122402, 10.1121/10.0009057


Borrel-Jensen, Nikolas 0000-0002-8820-4635 (Corresponding author) [1] Engsig-Karup, Allan Peter 0000-0001-8626-1575 [1] Jeong, Cheol-Ho 0000-0002-9864-7317 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Realistic sound is essential in virtual environments, such as computer games and mixed reality. Efficient and accurate numerical methods for pre-calculating acoustics have been developed over the last decade; however, pre-calculating acoustics makes handling dynamic scenes with moving sources challenging, requiring intractable memory storage. A physics-informed neural network (PINN) method in one dimension is presented, which learns a compact and efficient surrogate model with parameterized moving Gaussian sources and impedance boundaries and satisfies a system of coupled equations. The model shows relative mean errors below 2%/0.2 dB and proposes a first step in developing PINNs for realistic three-dimensional scenes.


Gaussian source, accurate numerical method, acoustics, boundaries, computer, computer games, dimensions, dynamic scenes, efficient surrogate models, environment, equations, field prediction, game, handling dynamic scenes, impedance, impedance boundary, memory storage, method, model, moving source, network, neural network, numerical method, physics-informed neural networks, prediction, realistic sounds, reality, scene, sound, sound field prediction, source, storage, surrogate model, system, system of coupled equations, three-dimensional scene, virtual environment

Data Provider: Digital Science