open access publication

Article, 2020

Portable microcontroller‐based electrostimulation system for nerve conduction studies

IET Science Measurement & Technology, ISSN 1751-8830, 1751-8822, Volume 14, 6, Pages 695-703, 10.1049/iet-smt.2019.0174


Cossul, Sandra 0000-0003-4839-9447 (Corresponding author) [1] Andreis, Felipe Rettore 0000-0002-1610-992X [1] [2] Favretto, Mateus André 0000-0001-6923-8808 [1] de Castro Antonio, Afrânio [1] Marques, Jefferson Luiz Brum 0000-0001-8910-4735 [1]


  1. [1] Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  2. [NORA names: Brazil; America, South];
  3. [2] Aalborg University
  4. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Despite nerve conduction study (NCS) being an established procedure in the evaluation of neuromuscular disorders, its utility has been restrained by commercially available products or approaches presented in the literature that are either costly, physically large, dependent on specialised medical personnel to operate or targeted to specific conditions, evaluating only one or two nerves. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop a point‐of‐care device for NCS that can be used to evaluate several nerves, yet is still portable, low‐cost and easy to operate. The developed device is composed of three modules: (i) controller module and graphical user interface, responsible for system synchronisation and configuration, data management, graphical visualisation of the evoked action potential and stimulus voltage feedback (maximum error of 3.92%); (ii) stimulation module, which operates in a constant voltage mode and delivers a monophasic stimulus pulse with amplitudes between 0.84 and 230 V, with a discrete increment of 2.32 ± 0.64 V (mean ± SD) and duration of 100 or 200 µs; and (iii) data acquisition module, based on the ADS1298 front‐end that records the evoked action potentials after the stimulus, with a sample rate of 16 or 32 kHz, 24‐bit resolution and selectable voltage gain of 1 up to 12. Results demonstrated that the system could reliably deliver stimulation pulses through different loads (100 Ω, 1 kΩ and 10 kΩ) and accurately record data through frequencies of 10 Hz up to 10 kHz. Additionally, NCS of the ulnar motor nerve in a sample of healthy individuals showed that the device could effectively activate a peripheral nerve and record compound action potentials within normal limits established by the literature.


acquisition module, action, action potentials, amplitude, approach, compound action potential, conditions, conduction studies, configuration, constant voltage mode, data, data acquisition module, data management, devices, disorders, duration, electrostimulation system, evaluation, evaluation of neuromuscular disorders, evoked action, evoked action potentials, feedback, frequency, front-end, gain, graphical user interface, graphical visualisation, healthy individuals, increment, individuals, interface, limitations, literature, load, low cost, management, medical personnel, mode, modulation, motor nerves, nerve, nerve conduction studies, neuromuscular disorders, objective, peripheral nerves, personnel, point-of-care devices, potential, procedure, production, pulse, rate, record data, recording compound action potentials, resolution, results, samples, samples of healthy individuals, sampling rate, severed nerve, specific conditions, stimulation, stimulation module, stimulation pulses, stimuli, stimulus pulses, study, synchronisation, system, system synchronisation, ulnar motor nerve, user interface, visualisation, voltage feedback, voltage gain, voltage mode


  • Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

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