open access publication

Article, 2020

Exploring linkages between organisational culture and gender equality work—An ethnography of a multinational engineering company

Evaluation and Program Planning, ISSN 1873-7870, 0149-7189, Volume 79, Page 101791, 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2020.101791


Utoft, Ea Høg 0000-0002-6440-5184 [1]


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This article explores linkages between organisation-specific cultural narratives and gender-equality programme planning through the lens of the 'historicity' concept. The article argues that to fully understand problem definitions, programme design and organisational change processes related to gender equality, scholars and practitioners cannot focus one-sidedly on expected outcomes and effects; we must also factor in cultural narratives, because gender equality actors never arrive at their work as 'tabulae rasae'. A community of actors always draws on shared dispositions that give sense, direction and shape to their anticipations of the future hereby guiding their actions in the present. Based on an ethnography of a multinational engineering company, the article shows how cultural narratives may serve in different ways as support factors for gender equality programme planning and implementation, if they are actively but mindfully engaged. This mindfulness is important as positive cultural narratives may entail problematic gender dimensions. On the other hand, negative cultural narratives may entail important learning outcomes that may benefit future gender equality initiatives. The analysis further points to the centrality of strategic communication, leadership commitment and comprehensive evaluation in order to mobilise the potential of cultural narratives as support factors to gender equality work. Finally, this article offers a rich example to scholars and practitioners of how to employ cultural analysis in relation to gender equality activities, and demonstrates the value of the insights produced by this analysis for the case company and its gender equality programme.


Central, action, activity, actors, analysis, anticipation, article, case company, cases, change process, commitment, communication, community, community of actors, companies, comprehensive evaluation, concept, cultural analysis, cultural narratives, culture, definition, design, dimensions, direction, effect, engineering companies, equality, equality activities, equality actors, equality initiatives, equality programmes, equality work, ethnography, evaluation, factors, gender, gender dimension, gender equality, gender equality activities, gender equality actors, gender equality initiatives, gender equality programmes, gender equality work, implementation, initiation, leadership, leadership commitment, learning, learning outcomes, lens, linkage, mindfulness, multinational engineering company, narratives, negative cultural narratives, organisational change processes, organisational culture, outcomes, planning, potential, practitioners, problem, problem definition, process, programme, programme design, programme planning, scholars, strategic communication, work

Data Provider: Digital Science