
Refined cereal-based beverages

Patent Number US-12031114-B2

Publication Year 2024

Granted Year: 2024

Application Year 2022

Priority Year 2016

Jurisdiction US

Status Active


Birgitte Skadhauge Finn Lok Søren Knudsen Toni Wendt Katarzyna Krucewicz Lucia Marri Ole Olsen


  1. Carlsberg Breweries AS
  2. [NORA names: Carlsberg Group; Private Research]


The present invention relates to methods for preparing cereal-based beverages. Particularly, the present invention provides, for example, methods for steeping and germination of cereal grain under continuous aeration. The present invention also provides for wet milling of germinated cereal grains and direct transfer of the germinated grain, without drying, to the brewery for further processing. Compared to current methods the methods of the present invention significantly reduces water consumption, energy consumption and transport need.

Data Provider: Digital Science