
Patent Number: CN-118251577-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2021

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending


G. P.F. Fusell


  1. Maersk Container Industri AS
  2. [NORA names: A.P. Moller - Maersk; Private Research]


A method (300) of determining a charge status of refrigerant in a refrigeration system (100) is provided, the refrigeration system (100) having a compressor (120), an expansion valve (140), a condenser side (101) for transferring refrigerant from the compressor (120) to the expansion valve (140), and an evaporator side (102) for transferring refrigerant from the expansion valve (140) to the compressor (120). The method (300) includes determining at least one performance characteristic of the refrigeration system (100) when refrigerant is prevented from flowing from the condenser side (101) into the evaporator side (102), and determining a charge condition in the refrigeration system (100) when one or more predetermined criteria are met in accordance with the performance characteristic.

Patent Family Records (1)

Refrigeration system and method for determining the filling status of a refrigerant in said refrigeration system

Maersk Container Industri AS G. P.F. Fusell

2024, CN-118251577-A

Data Provider: Digital Science