
Patent Number: CN-118215636-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2022

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending


N ban A. SINGH Y. I.Z. Jiyati


  1. Haldor Topsoe (Denmark)
  2. [NORA names: Topsoe; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]
  3. Haldor Topsoe AS
  4. [NORA names: Topsoe; Private Research]
  5. Topsoe AS
  6. [NORA names: Topsoe; Private Research]


The present application provides an apparatus and a method for producing a hydrogen-rich gas, the method comprising the steps of: steam reforming a hydrocarbon feed to synthesis gas; the synthesis gas is shifted and the shifted gas is directed to a hydrogen purification unit, the CO 2 -rich off-gas from the hydrogen purification unit is subjected to carbon dioxide removal and the hydrogen-rich CO 2 -lean off-gas is recycled to the process.

Patent Family Records (1)

Blue hydrogen production method and equipment

Haldor Topsoe (Denmark), Haldor Topsoe AS N ban, A. SINGH, Y. I.Z. Jiyati

2024, CN-118215636-A

Data Provider: Digital Science