Compositions and methods for producing fermented plant-based compositions with creamy flavor

Patent Number: CN-118076232-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2021

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending


E. Manuri


  1. International Nutrition And Health Denmark Private Ltd


Provided herein are compositions and methods for producing fermented plant-based compositions, such as fermented milk alternative foods, having a creamy flavor. The compositions and methods provided herein include bacteria, such as lactobacillus rhamnosus, that are useful for producing an acetaldehyde content to diacetyl content ratio that produces a creamy flavor in a fermented plant-based composition. In some embodiments, a bacterium, such as lactobacillus rhamnosus, reduces the acetaldehyde content and/or increases the diacetyl content in the fermented plant-based composition. Provided are fermented plant-based compositions, including stored fermented plant-based compositions, produced according to the methods described herein. Methods for identifying bacteria useful for producing fermented plant-based compositions having a creamy flavor are also provided.

Patent Family Records (1)

Compositions and methods for producing fermented plant-based compositions with creamy flavor

International Nutrition And Health Denmark Private Ltd E. Manuri

2024, CN-118076232-A

Data Provider: Digital Science