Box for electrolytic cell with contact column

Patent Number: CN-118043500-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2021

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending


Helg Nelson


  1. Danfoss (Denmark)
  2. [NORA names: Danfoss; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


A cassette (1) for an electrolysis cell is disclosed. The cartridge (1) comprises two cooling plates (2) and two electrolyte plates (3 a,3 c), wherein the two cooling plates (2) are in contact (18) with each other at one surface and form a cooling flow path (5) between the two cooling plates, and each cooling plate (2) is in contact with one of the electrolyte plates (3 a,3 c) at the other opposite surface and forms an electrolyte flow path (6 a,6 c) between the cooling plate (2) and the respective electrolyte plate (3 a,3 c). The cartridge (1) further comprises at least one contact stud (19) establishing a connection between at least one of the cooling plates (2) and at least one of the electrolyte plates (3 a,3 c).

Patent Family Records (1)

Box for electrolytic cell with contact column

Danfoss (Denmark), Danfoss AS Helg Nelson

2024, CN-118043500-A

Data Provider: Digital Science