Photovoltaic power generation window

Patent Number: CN-117738571-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2023

Priority Year: 2023

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending




  1. VKR Holding (Denmark)
  2. [NORA names: VKR Holding; Private Research]


The invention relates to a photovoltaic power generation window. This photovoltaic power generation window includes: a window frame (100) and a sash (200). The window frame (100) is for fixing to a building, and the sash (200) is arranged to be surrounded by the window frame (100). The window sash (200) comprises a glass assembly (2), the glass assembly (2) comprises a first layer of glass (6), a second layer of glass (10), a third layer of glass (13) and a photovoltaic power generation module (8), the second layer of glass (10) is positioned between the first layer of glass (6) and the third layer of glass (13), and the photovoltaic power generation module (8) is combined with the second layer of glass (10) and is configured for converting light energy into electric energy. Through setting up three-layer glass and combining photovoltaic power generation module and intermediate layer glass for can ensure effectively that photovoltaic power generation module is isolated with the external world, thereby avoid photovoltaic power generation module and water or air contact, improve the weather resistance of photovoltaic power generation window.

Patent Family Records (1)

Photovoltaic power generation window

VKR Holding (Denmark), VKR Holding AS LIU DAWEI, HUANG ZHIPENG, YANG PENG, (...more)

2024, CN-117738571-A

Data Provider: Digital Science