Method and system for applying manure and other residual products in agriculture

Patent Number: DK-202200477-A1

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2022

Jurisdictions: DK

Status: N/A




  1. Jens Yde Kirk
  2. Mkjeldal


A method and system for autonomously applying manure to a field. A problem concerning pressure damage on the fields is solved by the fact that the robotic vehicles are lighter and thereby do not cause pressure damage on the fields. The system consists of one or more manure robots, each of which is supplied with supply robots. A special wheel assembly makes the autonomous units suitable for driving in row crops. The purpose of this invention, which consists of both a method and a system, is to be able to apply manure in a gentle way with regard to field pressure. The purpose is also to be able to spread manure and other residual products on fields that are difficult to access due to rainfall or the nature of the soil. The purpose of the invention is also to increase the possibility of applying manure optimally in row crops.

Patent Family Records (1)

Method and system for applying manure and other residual products in agriculture

Jens Yde Kirk, Mkjeldal MOGENS KJELDAL, Jens Yde Kirk

2024, DK-202200477-A1

Data Provider: Digital Science