A device for flashing a part of a standing seam, a kit of parts for flashing a roof element, and a method of flashing a roof element

Patent Number: DK-202270267-A1

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2022

Jurisdictions: DK

Status: N/A


CIANO HOLST Jan Brix Svendsen


  1. VKR Holding (Denmark)
  2. [NORA names: VKR Holding; Private Research]


A device for flashing a part of a standing seam in a roof comprising flat roofing panels interconnected through standing seams during flashing a roof element, comprises: a lower part (30) comprising a flat piece (31) with an elongated recess (32) extending in a longitudinal direction (33) from a side edge (34), a raised wall (35) extending along an edge (36) of said recess (32), said raised wall (35) extending to an upper edge (37) of the raised wall, said raised wall (35) providing a waterproof connection with the flat piece (31); and an upper part (50) movable relative to the lower part (30), the upper part comprising a cover portion (51) for covering at least a part of the recess (32) and a space between parts of the raised wall (35) on either side of the recess (32) , when the upper part (50) is applied to the lower part (30).

Patent Family Records (1)

A device for flashing a part of a standing seam, a kit of parts for flashing a roof element, and a method of flashing a roof element

VKR HOLDING AS, VKR Holding (Denmark) CIANO HOLST, Jan Brix Svendsen

2024, DK-202270267-A1

Data Provider: Digital Science