Sliding protective cover for attaching clothing

Patent Number: DE-202023105598-U1

Publication Year: 2023

Granted Year: 2023

Application Year: 2023

Priority Year: 2023

Jurisdictions: DE

Status: Active


  1. Master Care AS


Sliding protective cover for attachment to arms or legs for dressing a person, the sliding protective cover having an outer surface, an inner surface, a first end with an opening for attaching the protective cover to an arm or a leg, and a second end, and made of a smooth woven fabric for reduced friction, characterized in that the sliding protective cover comprises one or more straps designed to extend along the outer surface of the protective cover, the straps being attached to the first opening so that when the strap is pulled the protective cover is folded with the open end over and along the outer surface of the protective cover so that the protective cover is rolled off the leg or arm so that there is no friction against the skin when the protective cover is removed. embedded image

Patent Family Records (1)

Sliding protective cover for attaching clothing

Master Care AS

2023, DE-202023105598-U1

Data Provider: Digital Science