Plankboard, a decorative and rustic wall hanging with print.

Patent Number: DK-202300026-U3

Publication Year: 2023

Application Year: 2023

Priority Year: 2023

Jurisdictions: DK

Status: N/A






Plankboard is a decorative and rustic wall hanging that consists of several vertical planks assembled into a board. The product is designed to add character and aesthetics to any room and create a unique atmosphere. Each plank on Plankeboardet has a width of 3-10 cm and a thickness between 3 and 5.6 cm, which ensures both a visual appeal and solid construction. The wood's natural knots and grain structure contribute to the authentic and individual appearance of each Plankboard. To prevent yellowing of the wood and protect it from normal wear and tear, the plankboard can be treated with a transparent or white wood protection. This treatment preserves the natural beauty of the wood and extends the life of the product. A unique feature of Plankeboard is the possibility to customize it with a digital print with UV color according to the customer's own wishes. This printing process ensures a high image resolution and vivid colors that make each Plankeboard personal and tailored to the customer's preferences. Plankboards are available in different sizes, ranging from 20x30 cm up to 200x300 cm. This allows customers to choose the right size for their space and aesthetic needs. For easy hanging on the wall, the Plankeboard is sawn at a 45 degree angle at the top, and an accompanying hanging board, also sawn at a 45 degree angle, makes mounting on the wall easy and safe. Overall, Plankeboard is a unique and personal wall hanging that combines aesthetics, durability and customization options. This creation meets various requirements, including dimensional, material, surface treatment, printing and hanging requirements, making it a valuable and innovative product.

Patent Family Records (1)

Plankboard, a decorative and rustic wall hanging with print.


2023, DK-202300026-U3

Data Provider: Digital Science