Patent Number: DK-202100095-U3

Publication Year: 2023

Application Year: 2021

Priority Year: 2021

Jurisdictions: DK

Status: N/A


Maagaard, Jørgen 0000-0003-3723-070X


  1. University of Southern Denmark
  2. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The invention is a weed burner for removing unwanted growth, such as grass and weeds, in gardens and in publicly accessible areas, etc. The weed burner uses a fuel, usually gas, which forms a flame that heats or burns off the unwanted growth, and a fan driven by an electric motor that forms an air shield around the flame to avoid setting fire to surrounding combustible materials , eg. grass or plants growing close to the growths to be removed.

Patent Family Records (1)


UNIV SYDDANSK, University of Southern Denmark Maagaard, Jørgen

2023, DK-202100095-U3

Data Provider: Digital Science