Patent Number: WO-2024033397-A1

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2023

Priority Year: 2022

Jurisdictions: WO

Status: N/A


Moghaddam, Saeed Zajforoushan 0000-0002-6536-7490 Thormann, Esben 0000-0002-2364-3493 Qie, Runtian 0000-0002-6206-884X


  1. Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


A method for preparing an adhesive, said method comprising - mixing chitosan and tannic acid in an aqueous solution, and adjusting the pH value of the resulting mixture to a pH that induces the formation of a polymer-rich phase and a polymer-poor phase, preferably in a pH range of from 4.5 to 6, such as from 5 to 5.5 to obtain a polymer-rich phase and a polymer-poor phase; and - isolating the polymer-rich phase to obtain said adhesive. Described is also an adhesive obtainable from said method and uses thereof.

Patent Family Records (1)


Technical University of Denmark, UNIV DANMARKS TEKNISKE Moghaddam, Saeed Zajforoushan, Thormann, Esben, Qie, Runtian

2024, WO-2024033397-A1

Data Provider: Digital Science