Antibodies capable of binding CD27, variants thereof and uses thereof

Patent Number: CN-118055950-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2021

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending


A. Yoan U. Shaxin F. Ji se Ke MUCK ALEXANDER K. Schedel F. Bai Sikensi R. de Rong J. Schulman E. C.W. Brege I. al tastas P. L. Degoye D. Satijin P. Boros


  1. Jian Mabao


The present invention relates to antibodies capable of binding human CD27 and variants thereof comprising a modified Fc region comprising one or more mutations that enhance Fc-Fc interactions of the antibodies. The invention also provides pharmaceutical compositions comprising said antibodies and the use of said antibodies for therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, in particular in cancer treatment.

Patent Family Records (1)

Antibodies capable of binding CD27, variants thereof and uses thereof

Jian Mabao A. Yoan, U. Shaxin, F. Ji se Ke, (...more)

2024, CN-118055950-A

Data Provider: Digital Science