Hydraulic-driven underground self-propelled cable tool pipe column

Patent Number: CN-118056058-A

Publication Year: 2024

Application Year: 2022

Priority Year: 2021

Jurisdictions: CN

Status: Pending


T.S. Anderson


  1. Welltec AS
  2. [NORA names: Welltec; Private Research]


A downhole self-propelled wireline tool string (1) for advancing a tool in a well (2) and/or for providing weight on a drill bit, the downhole self-propelled wireline tool string comprising a first downhole self-propelled wireline tool (1 a), comprising: a first tool body; a first electric motor (4) operating at a rotational speed; a first electronic control unit (18) for controlling the rotational speed of an electric motor, the downhole self-propelled wireline tool string further comprising a second downhole self-propelled wireline tool (1 b), comprising: a second tool body (3 b); a second electric motor (22) operating at a rotational speed; a second electronic control unit (18 b) for controlling the rotational speed of the electric motors, wherein each electric motor comprises a power limiting unit for distributing a first portion of the current from the cable for powering the first electric motor and a second portion of the current for powering the second electric motor.

Patent Family Records (1)

Hydraulic-driven underground self-propelled cable tool pipe column

Welltec AS T.S. Anderson

2024, CN-118056058-A

Data Provider: Digital Science