In-plane sweep wind turbine blades and devices using the same and methods for their manufacture

Patent Number: DE-102005034078-B4

Publication Year: 2021

Granted Year: 2021

Application Year: 2005

Priority Year: 2004

Jurisdictions: DE

Status: Active




  1. General Electric (United States)
  2. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD]
  3. General Electric (Denmark)
  4. [NORA names: General Electric; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Rotor blade (108) for a wind power plant, with a torsionally rigid foot (114), a forward sweep with respect to an elasticity axis (E) in an inner section (112) of the rotor blade and a backward sweep in an outer section (116) of the rotor blade, characterized in that the forward sweep is located at the root (114) of the rotor blade, the forward sweep is defined as an angle extending between the elastic axis (E) at the inner portion (112) of the rotor blade and an axis of pitch (P) of the rotor blade, and wherein the backward sweep is defined as an angle which extends between the elasticity axis (E) at the outer section (116) of the rotor blade and the pitch axis (P) of the rotor blade.

Patent Family Records (1)

In-plane sweep wind turbine blades and devices using the same and methods for their manufacture

General Electric (United States), General Electric Co WETZEL KYLE KRISTOPHER

2021, DE-102005034078-B4

Data Provider: Digital Science